Thursday, August 30, 2012

Medical uses of Cordyceps sinesis, Yarsagumba

Cordyceps is a powerful tonic and can help to restore normal functioning of the body, stimulate immune response, increase energy, vitality, and longevity. Recent research has shown that cordyceps can improve sport performance and muscle-building capability. In TCM, Cordyceps has been used to help regulate blood pressure, strengthen cardiovascular system, and improving sexual energy and desire. Clinical tests performed at Hunan Medical University have shown that cordyceps is effective in relaxing the smooth muscles tissue of the penis, increasing blood flow, resulting in harder erections.
A few animal studies have shown cordyceps feeding to increase the ratio of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to inorganic phosphate (Pi) in the liver by 45-55% - an effect that may be viewed as beneficial in terms of energy state and potential for performance enhancement. Furthermore, mice fed cordyceps and subjected to an extreme low oxygen environment, were able to utilize oxygen more efficiently (30-50% increase), better tolerate acidosis and hypoxia (lack of oxygen) and live 2-3 times longer than a control group. A number of Chinese clinical studies, primarily in elderly patients with fatigue, cordyceps-treated patients reported significant improvements in their level of fatigue, ability to tolerate cold temperatures,memory and cognitive capacity and sex drive.
Yarsha Gumba is a rare species of plant widely used in clinical use and as a household remedy. It is a good and natural medicine for sexual intercource, who are unable to have sex. For the following points it is used.

·  Yarshagumba is considered to be potent at strengthening lung   and   kidneys, increasing energy and vitality, stopping hemorrhag decreasing phlegm.
·  It has traditionally been used for impotence, backache to increase sperm production and to increase blood. It is used specifically for excess of tiredness, , impotence, debility, anaemia, to build the bone marrow.
·  It is taken for shortness of breath, , emission soreness of loins and knees, dizziness and tinnitus.
·  It is used specially for excess tiredness,chronic cough and asthama,debility,liver and anemia
·  It is used for strengthening the immune system.

Cordyceps may help improve libido and quality of life in men & women experiencing sexual frustration. In a double blind and placebo-controlled study involving 200 men with reduced libido and other sexual problems, Cordyceps significantly enhance their sexual function. 64% of the Cordyceps-users reported significant improvement in sexual function compared with 24% of the placebo group.

According to a double blind, placebo controlled study published on Journal of Alternative & Complementary Medicine, 21 elderly women experiencing sexual frustration were given Cordyceps supplementation. 90% reported improvements in libido and sexual health following the use of Cordyceps, compared with none in the control group. In another human clinical study involving 189 men and women with decreased libido and desire, 66% showed improvement of symptoms and desire after Cordyceps supplementation.
It is also used for a sexual purpose as natural Viagra. So it's of great importantance for men and women, children, adults any age of groups. After using of Yarshagumba it gradually empowers internal energy inside our body in a natural way, as well as that it acts as a powerful aphrodisiac


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